
YelpCamp is full stack web applicaiton built for Web Devloper Bootcamp Course.

It's build on MEN stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, NodeJS) using CRUD architecture with half-dozen npm modules and bootstrap frameworks for styling.

User aunthentication allows personalized app experience and it also stops users to use same email-id or username twice.
User authorizatin allows, particular user to delete or edit his own post or comment. It also stops user to delete or edit comments or posts of other user.

YelpCamp uses MongoDB, a cloud based NoSQL database to store user information and post information. It was my first-ever experience with database and it was absolutely thrilling. And it's FREE!

YelpCamp code was refactored using MVC model( Model, View, Controller) and middleware.

YelpCamp uses MapBox API to show camping locations. YelpCamp customized MapBox's intial display maps to show cluster and navigation controls.

YelpCamp uses Cloudinary(a SaaS technology) for image uploading. It helps to provide seamless experience to users.
Cloudinary works as a image storage for YelpCamp. YelpCamp stores and access these stored images on user requests via MongoDB.








Mongo DataBase

Passport for authentication

Mapbox API

Cloudinary SaaS technology